Compatible GPU is recommended for best performance. Custom Iris ShapesĬustom Images can also be used as Iris shapes to create special image shaped Bokeh. Spherical and Polygonal Bokeh Blur while not as fast as Gaussian, is still radius independent and very performant. Gaussian like Aperture Blur is lightning quick while Spherical and Polygonal shaped Aperture Blur is very high quality yet still reasonably quick. This plug-in creates a smooth Gaussian-like fast blur or Spherical and Polygonal Iris (Hexagon, Pentagon, Octagon and more) shaped Bokeh Blur. There are still limits because the plug-in doesn't have information about occluded objects in the render, but it does a reasonable job in avoiding hard edges and halos as much as possible. Object boundaries are expanded and edges are handled properly as expected. Unless you're using Custom Bokeh shapes, Fast Bokeh's performance only depends on the image size, but not the amount of blur applied, so you can expect a near constant render performance. Image(s) Credit: Simon Bronson, Nicola Destefanis Blur Radius Independent